Welcome to onoSemina.org

In our daily lives, paper is omnipresent: from notebook pages, through toilet paper, to books and posters. Most of them are made from trees. Every use of paper is a piece of forest that we transform into everyday tools and cultural works. At onoSemina.org, we believe that every use of paper carries with it an obligation to the Earth. If we use its resources, we should also give something back. Our mission is to encourage everyone to plant a tree as compensation for using paper.

How do we do it?

Educate and inspire: We make people aware of the great importance of every sheet of paper for our planet. We show that through conscious actions, such as planting trees, everyone can have a real impact on the restoration and protection of forests.

Cooperate with everyone: We invite both individual users of paper, and companies, educational institutions, publishers – everyone who uses paper on a daily basis – to cooperate. Together, we create a movement for the restoration of forests and the preservation of biodiversity.

Implement forest restoration projects: We engage directly in planting trees and creating forests that will be the future home for many species of fauna and flora. Our activities include both local and global projects aimed at restoring health to our planet.

Why is it important?

Trees are the lungs of our planet. They produce the oxygen we breathe, filter the air, absorb CO2, help regulate the climate, and provide a home for countless species of animals. Protecting forests and planting new trees are key to a healthy future for the Earth and all of us.

Join us!
Each of us can contribute to the protection of our planet. By planting a tree, you not only compensate for the paper used, but also invest in the future of our planet. Make every used sheet of paper the beginning of new life. Together, we can make a change – for the Earth, for us, for future generations.

Become part of onoSemina.org and help us plant seeds for a healthy Earth.

Our activities within onoSemina.org

Creation and protection of endemic and protected biomes 🌍
This is our passion. We dream of a world where every part of the ecosystem is protected and respected. We want to contribute to the restoration of intact, native ecosystems around the world.

Afforestation actions 🌳
Afforestation is at the heart of our actions. We want to plant trees that will contribute to the restoration of diverse fauna and flora, creating healthy and sustainable forests instead of monocultures.

Protection of biodiversity 🐾
Biodiversity is the key to a healthy planet. Our goal is to protect and preserve the natural diversity of life on Earth.

Environmental education 📚
We believe that education is the foundation of change. We want to inform and educate the community about environmental protection and the importance of forests for life on Earth.

Collaboration with authors and publishers 📖
We collaborate with creators and producers of printed materials. Our dream is that every published book contributes to the planting of new trees.

Promoting sustainable development ♻️
Sustainable development is our path to the future. We strive to promote practices that allow for harmonious coexistence of humans with nature.

Ensuring long-term protection 🔒
Our vision is not just planting trees but also providing them with protection for the future. We want the reforested areas to be protected against future threats.